Sunday, April 16, 2006



So this is just a short post. Its purpose will be explained shortly, but for now, I need you all to answer a question.

When I speak to you of heroes what does it make you think of. Let me be more specific. List the first 5 individuals that come into you mind when I say heroes.

Bear with me, the reason for this will be explained in my next post.

*edit* -- added the below.
Please try to respond before reading other peoples comments if you can.. So as to give me your first reactions, rather than your reactions to other peoples reactions.

*edit2* -- Removed ''s at behest of grammer natzi's 8-)

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Above comment deleted as I reaised my abject failure to folow instructions. Whenever I'm asked to think of someone who I consider a hero the first person that comes to mind is Bono. Because I see him as a person who uses their life to make a difference.

The remaining four are C.S. Lewis; Dietirch Bonehoeffer, Paul, and Anne Frank.
Today's list (I would probably say something totally different if you asked me tomorrow):

1) The sufragettes

2) Anti-slavery and civil rights campaigners

3) The founders of ChilOut

4) Shackleton - who, if I understand the story right, turned back before achieving his life's ambition of being the first man to reach the South Pole, when everything in him must have been pushing to continue, because he knew his party was unlikely to reach the Pole and survive the return journey

5) Those few officers at Gallipoli who saw clearly enough and were brave enough to stand up and protest the futile charges ordered at the Nek and elsewhere at risk of their own careers in an attempt to save the lives of their men

6) (And of course) Bono
The first thing that comes into my mind when you say 'hero's' is that the ' shouldn't be there. ;p

The only hero I can think of is Jesus. Not cause I think that no-one else has done anything worth while... I just pull a blank.

Not much help, I guess!
Okay I have my heroes as well as my friend's, my mother's and my sister's comments:
Care Bears
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Desmond Tutu
Samwise Gamgee
Bruce Willis

My Mother:
Susan Sarandon
Whoopi Goldberg
Quyen Mandela (Nelson Mandela's wife)
JR Tolkien

My Sister:
Alexander The Great

Nelson Mandela
Astro Boy
The Smurfs
The guy from Tienamen Square
Well the first two i got were a knee jerk reaction:
Superman & Batman, which are fictional characters & hence irrelvent, or at least a bit silly.

Giving it a bit more thought i was unable to come up with any individuals, rather types of people, as follows:

- 'Doctor's Without Borders' (they have a french name that i dont remember)
- Firemen
- The people who work for WWF (world wildlife foundation)
- Wistleblowers

I sort of have trouble coming up with any others after that, at least ones that absoulty fit the term 'Hero'.
Hi Matt,

I'm blog trawling at the moment, and this is a post that is nice and easy to answer. Heroes (in whatever order I think of them):

- Rosalind Franklin (female scientist. Google it if you don't know)
- Astro Boy
- Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren (guys who discovered helicobacter pylori - a bacterium that causes ulcers. Again, Google/Wiki if you don't know them)
- Joan of Arc
- Samuel Vimes

In general, I guess, they are people who stood/stand up for what they believe in, regardless of consequences. Except Astro Boy. But he had rockets for feet.
Er, heroes... um...

Sorry to be predictable but my first would be Christ. Not meaning to sound hugely pious or anything: he just is. He's a dude.

Then Psi.

After that, I get kinda stuck. I guess, Spike (from Buffy/Angel, to be clear) and Tara. Maybe Neil Gaiman. There you go. That's five.
Btw, I love the fact that you corrected your punctuation, then misspelt 'nazis'. I love you, dude!
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